천안함, 힐러리에게 보낸 진실 리포트
대한민국을 밥통과 형광등으로 내 몰고 있는 천안함의 진실은 무엇일까요?...지방선거가 한창일 때 신상철 민군합동조사단 민간위원으로 활동했던 신상철 위원이 천안함 사건과 관련하여 방한한 미국무부장관 힐러리에게 보내는 리포트가 주목을 끌고 있었습니다. 천안함 사건의 침몰원인을 객관적이며 과학적인 자료를 토대로 분석하며 사실이 왜곡되고 있는 점을 힐러리의 미국은 물론 세계인들에게 알리고자 하는 취지의 리포트였습니다. 천안함 사건의 백서와 다름없는 짧은 리포트 속에는 천안함 사건이 발생한 백령도 위치에서 부터 침몰 해역의 수심 등이 자세히 나타나 있으며 사고 직후 언론에 나타난 관련 사실과 함께 인양된 천안함에 나타난 증거 등이 소상하게 기록해 놓는 한편, 천안함이 북한의 어뢰에 의해 피격되어 침몰한 게 아니라 좌초에 의해 침몰될 수 밖에 없는 등의 내용을 포함하고 있습니다. 이미 천안함 관련 내용들은 국내외에서 제기되고 있는 의문과 의혹 등으로 인하여 사실이 거의 드러나고 있는 상태지만, 신 위원이 제시한 백령도 부근의 해저 지형을 참고하면 연근해를 감시하고 있는 해군 초계함이 항해할 수 있는 항로는 극히 제한되어 있다는 점이 눈에 띕니다. 위 그림 속에서 녹색으로 칠해진 부분이 주로 천안함의 작전항로로 보이는데, 천안함은 지난 3월 26일 오후 9시 00분 경 기존의 항로를 벗어나 최초 좌초 지점에 위치하고 있는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 어떤 이유로 천안함이 항로를 이탈하여 좌초에 직면한 것이라 볼 수 있는 것입니다. 그동안 드러난 관련 정보 등에 의하면 천안함은 최초 좌초 지점에서 후진하며 좌초 상황을 극복한 이후에 함수와 함미가 분리되며 침몰에 이를 때 까지 여러 의혹들을 불러 일으킵니다. 이때 등장하는 게 정체불명의 '잠수함'이며 이 잠수함이 미국의 핵잠수함이라는 것 등입니다. 잠수함 충돌설입니다. |
그런데 함수와 함미가 지나치게 떨어져 있는 모습을 두고 군 당국은 조류가 거세기 때문에 일어난 상황이라고 말하고 있었지만, 잠수함 충돌설에 의혹을 보내고 있던 사람들은 함수와 함미가 서로 떨어지게 된 원인은, 수중에서 잠수함이 함미 위치를 이동시켰다고 주장하는 것입니다. 아울러 백령도에서 근무한 한 예비역 해병은 TOD 영상을 분석한 자료를 통해서 "천안함은 구조지점에서 두 동강난 후에 그 승조원들은 바로 그 자리에서 구조된 것이다."라고 자료를 통해 일축하고 있었습니다. TOD의 방위각이 만들어낸 허상을 이용한 대국민 기망극이라는 것입니다.
관련 자료에 따르면 백령도에는 3대의 TOD장비가 있으며 이들 장비는 사각지대를 커버하며 24시간 작동하고 있다는 것이죠. 일반의 지적과 다름없습니다. 이 주장에 의하면 TOD는 1회전에 6400도 각도를 사용하고 있고 이 각도는 360도를 표시하는 것과 다름없다며 군 당국이 제시한 영상을 분석하고 있었습니다. 군당국과 정부에 의해 은폐되고 있는 천안함의 항적정보 등을 스스로 찾아나섰던 것입니다. 이렇듯 신상철 민간조사위원 외에도 천안함을 둘러싼 진실찾기 시도 등은 주로 온라인을 통해 이루어졌고, 진보적 매체나 지식인 등에 의해 실체가 밝혀지고 있는 모습입니다. 아래 첨부한 신 위원의 '천안함 리포트'는 여러 설 중에서 조사위원이 현장에서 직접 눈으로 보고 판단한 사실과 함께 중구난방으로 떠도는 유언비어(?)를 일목요연하게 정리한 것으로 판단되어 향후 천안함 침몰 사건을 객관적으로 판단할 귀중한 자료로 남기고자 합니다.
이 자료를 미국대사관이나 힐러리가 수신했는지 등은 알려지지 않고 있지만, 현재 해외 언론 등을 통해 드러난 미국은 천안함 사건에서 발을 떼 놓으려 하고 있으며 러시아와 중국은 이 사건이 북한과 관련이 없음을 시사하는 입장을 취하고 있습니다. 조작되었다는 것을 강하게 어필하고 나선 모습이므로, 이명박 정부가 취하고자 하는 유엔 안보리 회부는 의장성명 조차 채택되지 못할 것이라는 관측이 지배적입니다. 한시라도 빨리 정부나 군당국이 천안함 사건을 정리하지 않을 경우 침몰 속도가 가속화될 것이라는 전망이며 신 위원의 천안함 리포트는 수중에서 발을 잡아 당기듯 정권을 침몰시킬 무서운 리포트로 변할지도 모릅니다. 원문 그대로 옮겨놓은 리포트 첫 머리에는 천안함이 폭발이나 어뢰에 의해 침몰되지 않았음을 강력하게 주장하고 있습니다. 이 자료에 대한 1차적 판단과 책임은 우리 군 당국이나 이명박 정부와 조작설에 등장한 오바마 정부입니다.
There was no Explosion. There was No Torpedo |
Letter to Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of state
There was no Explosion. There was No Torpedo.
(서프라이즈 / 신상철 / 2010-05-26)
오늘 힐러리 클린턴 미 국무장관이 방한하였습니다. 미국으로 돌아가실 때 비행기 안에서 읽을 수 있도록 천안함에 관한 제 나름대로의 조사 결론을 그래픽과 함께 정리하여 미 대사관으로 송부하였습니다. 부디 힐러리 클린턴 미 국무장관께서 진실에 보다 가까이 다가갈 수 있기를 기원합니다.
관련하여, 이 내용이 전 세계 정부기관 혹은 언론사에 배포될 수 있도록 네티즌 여러분께서 도와주시기 바랍니다. 해외 유력 언론의 보도에는 기자의 이름과 이메일 정보가 기록되어 있으니 최대한 많이 알려서 한국에서 어떤 일이 벌어지고 있는지 알려 주시기 바랍니다.
얼마만큼의 효과를 가져올지 모르겠지만, 단 한 사람의 진실을 바라볼 줄 아는 해외 언론인에게 이 글이 전달될 수 있기를 기원하는 마음이 가장 크지 않을까 싶습니다. 여러분이 퍼날라 주시면 어떤 유력 기자는 같은 내용이 담긴 여러통의 메일을 받을 수 있겠지요. 그러면 그의 관심이 바로 기사가 되는 거지요.
※ 첨부화일 : [MS-Word File] ☞ Letter to Hillary Clinton US Secretary of State
* To : Hillary Clinton, U.S. Secretary of State
* From : S.C.Shin
* Date : May 26, 2010
Title : Opinion about Accident of PCC-772
Dear Hillary Clinton U.S. Secretary of State,
Welcome to Korea and I hope you could have a good chance to discuss the Peace in East Asia including Korean Peninsula.
I am S.C. Shin, a civil investigator recommended by Korean National Assembly for the sinking of Cheonan and I'm writing this letter to let you know the truth exactly here in Korea.
I have graduated Korea Maritime University in 1982, served 2 years in Navy as a sailing & gunnery officer, worked for Hanjin Shipping on a containership regular line between Far East & West coast of U.S as a navigator for several years and experienced shipbuilding inspect affair for 7 years in Major Shipyards in Korea such as Hyundai, Samsung, Daewoo and Hanjin Heavy Industry.
I have built 3 bulk carriers of 136,000 tons and 10 container ships of 2,000~4,000 teu in charge of hull structure, shipping machinery and outfittings, paint and nautical equipments including navigation system.
Unbelievable conclusion and posture of the Administration
I didn't agree with the conclusion of the Korean military administration and now sued for libel by them.
Can you imagine this situaton? I was the only person stood on the opposite position. That's the only reason I am sued. I cannot understand how this happens in a democratic country in the world.
So I want to talk to you about my oppinion and I think this might be a meaningful information to lead you to the truth of the unfortunate accident in Korea.
As you know, this is so much important problem for the peace of Korean Peninsula devoting to the world's peace that you and your country eagerly pursue to complete.
The Military Administration made a conclusion that Cheonan had torn in two and sunken by the 'Explosion of Torpedo'.
But my oppinion is quite different from it because I could not find even a slight sign of 'Explosion' but could find so many evidences of grounding in/out of the vessel.
I want to ask you fully understood that a tiny voice for the truth may prevent unexpected disaster and assure the safety of 70 million people in Korean Peninsula.
Well, I'm going to tell you about the circumstances which Baengnyeong-do is located in and especially about the geometric background with natural environment, critical for vessels sailing this area.
1. Where is Baengnyeong-do located ?
Baengnyeong Island is a South Korean island in the Yellow Sea(West Sea), off the Ongjin peninsula in North Korea. It lies less than 10 miles from the North Korean coast, and is over 100 miles from the mainland of South Korea.
2. Sky view of Baengnyeong-do & Daecheong-do
The scenery from the sky is very pretty and calm while the underwater condition is extremely terrible.
3. Shallow water, Rock fields and Strong tidal current
The Red marking shows Grounded Position marked on Operation Status map which Naval Fleet 2 explained to the victim's family the next day of accident, Torn-down Positon, Rescue Position and Aft & Fore Position.
4. Too much narrow and dangerous Fair way
Shallow water and Rock fields between Baengnyeong & Daecheong islands seriously disturb safe navigation from east to west, via versa.
Any vessel coming out of the Narrow Strait has no choice but to keep her course steady due to shallow water both right and left.
Vessels can easily face dangerous situations in this kind of unique area and fallen in the status of 'Running aground' or 'Collision'.
Regardless of the Cheonan Accident, this area must be studied and pertinent policy to be needed to prevent disasters.
5. Geological features
Daedong River of North Korea has good sands, diatomite soil and silica are raw materials of Glass that accumulates.
The river carries them to the sea and strong tidal currents carry them down to the Baengnyeong area and make a lot of Sand hills along the sea shore, making the area harder to travel.
6. What happened on the day of Mar. 26, 2010 ?
The first call from 772 to Headquarter was "Grounded !"
The first call from HQ to Korea Coast Guard was "Grounded !"
The first report to the Administration was "Grounded !"
7. Confusion - The exact time of 1st accident
The adminstration on National Defence first announced that the accident broke out at 21:45 but they changed everyday until KIGAM(Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources) reports the very time of Earthquake-wave.
8. Found an Operation map that indicates 'First Grounding'
Naval administration and the survivals gave a briefing to the families of victims on Mar. 27th - the next day of accident, showing a mark of the exact position of grounding on operation map on which the time of tidal current and the depth of water commented on the top-left corner.
The naval adminstration says "The map is ours but a family of a victim took it up and wrote memo there."
But another family of a victim declared that the admistration had a explanation about the accident with the map and obiously told about "First Grounding" on an interview with Korea Broadcasting System(KBS) for the current program titled 'Trace 60 Minute.' ( Below : A family of a victim says "I heard that navy explained about 'first grounding' with that map." )
And recently we found a film that shows Navy explains the situation to the families of victims with that map, as below.
9. The evidences of 'Grounding'
(1) Serious Scratches of lower part of side hull
(2) Damage of Bilge Keel and Penetration nearby
(3) Denting damage of 5-Screw blades of starboard side.
The damage of denting forward proves the vessel have experienced 'Full Astern Engine' while grounded on sand hill or mud to get out of the terrible situation.
(4) Compare the conditions of lower side plate between PCC-772 and PKM-357 which stayed in water for 53 days after sunken in Yellow Sea, in the 2nd battle at Yeonpyeong broken out in June, 2002. (She is now resting in the yard of Korean Navy Fleat 2 where you are staying now.)
10. Cases of 'Grounding' for reference
Kim Tae-Young, the minister of National Defence said "There was no 'Grounding' as we can see the Sonar dome not damaged."
But, as you know, it is really out of common sense just like as to say a ball player who is just sliding in home, "You are 'Out !' because your left knee is found clean." How ridiculous !
The length of 722 is 88m's long and 10m's wide. The Sonar dome is only 90cm's long and 30cm's wide. There's no relation between the vessel's grounding and the damage of sonar dome at all.
When a vessel grounds the Sonar dome may be damaged, but 'no damage on Sonar dome' doesn't guarantee 'no grounding', as you can see below that shows the clean bottom of fore part.
11. The Mid Report of Administration - April 25
- No penetration
- No burn damage
- No heat
- No splinters
- Cable covers are not damaged
- Oil tank and dump area not damaged at all
That's it. That is enough to declare "There was no explosion ! "
But their conclusion was 'Non-contact in-water Torpedo' !
Unbelievable. Torpedo exploded 3m's beneath 772 and there was no damage but there's only 'Cutting Down' the steel !
12. If Torpedo exploded ;
- How are the bodies of victim who were found near the cutting area so clean while a big explosion broke out that is enough to tear down the vessel in two ?
- How could the bottom of the hull has no penetrations by splinter at all ? The splinters from the torpedo
- How could the vinyl covers of cable have no damage ?
- Why couldn't we find even a dead fish in that area while a great explosion had broken out ?
- Why nobody got otolaryngologic desease at all ? Even no nose-bleeding.
13. What is the 2nd accident that caused the serious damage after getting out of 'Grounding' ?
(1) Rock crash (2) Explosion (3) Fatigue Fracture (4) Collision
Anything else? Those might be enough ..
(1) There was no rocks in that area torn down. - Rock Excluded !
(2) Couldn't find a slight sign of explosion - Explosion Excluded !
(3) The crack started from the bottom - Fatigue Fx. Excluded !
The rest one is ' Case (4) - It's Collision '.
That's why I get to the conclusion - The 1st accident is 'Grounding' and the 2nd one is 'Collision' - with every knowledge, experience and analysis.
14. Collision with what ?
(1) Might be a military vessel. - The rule of military government prohibits fishing at night and required to be back before 1 hour earlier the time of sun-set in that area.
(2) Maybe, of course, one of 'Above-water vessel' or 'Under-water vessel'
(3) Who knows? Only God knows?
15. Brief of my opinion
(1) The most important thing is there were two series of accidents not one.
(2) The 1st accident was 'Grounding' with the evidences above.
(3) The 'Grounding on a sand' made some damages and led flooding but itself didn't make those serious situation torn down in two.
(4) The 2nd accident hit a count-blow to sink.
(5) I couldn't find even a slight sign of 'Explosion'.
(6) The 2nd accident was 'Collision' with my analysis above.
Dear Secretary of State,
This is my conclusion with deep analysis and I believe my opinion is very close to the truth.
Have you known that all? Then please consider again about the tension in Korean Peninsula.
If you didn't know that, please ask you staff - "Bring me another report that contains the 'Truth' ! "
This is not just an accident of a country in East Asia, but now it has grown up to most sensitive topic throughout the world.
Mr. President of United States, Obama said on his address " On the issues that have come up that a commander in chief is going to make decisions on, I have shown the judgment to lead. that is the leadership that I want to show when I'm president of the United States."
Now is the time, I think, my hero Obama shows us his leadership, truth, faith and justice to solve the puzzled problem for the peace in Korean Peninsula.
We want to check it again precisely and scientifically according in the way of common sense and with perfect evidences. That's all.
That would be the righteous way to approach this matter and that will help to harden the relationship between Korea and Unitied States.
To tell the truth with you, I am very worry about that so many people in Korea are anxious about 'How Unite State accept this conclusion so simply - Torpedo Explosion' without any doubt.
I say with all my heart, there was no explosion. So there was no Torpedo, either. I could find only mechanical damages with a lot of grounding evidences.
As they sued me, I am going to establish the cause of the accident in court with every evidence that I found. Would you please pray for me to get good result?
Thank you for your time and I'll be very grateful if I can recieve your ideas for this matter, if possible.
S. C. Shin
진실은 이미 밝혀져 있는데 책임자가 없는 밥통같은 정권입니다. 내가 꿈꾸는 그곳의 Phot 이야기 Boramirang SensitiveMedia 세상에서제일 작고강력하며너무 따뜻~한 Media 내가 꿈꾸는 그곳 www.tsori.net / Boramirang 내가 꿈꾸는 그곳. |
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